Best Cydia Sources to Install Free Apps / Tweaks.Top 10 Best Jailbreak Tweaks for iPhone 5, 4S, 4.Best Installous Alternatives for Free Apps in 2013.You’re done! Go to your device’s home screen and the app should be there. Step 4: A message is going to be presented to you saying ‘Uploading file’, and after a while, the app will be installed without any hassle, and will be there on your iDevice and also the main window of iTools. The other way is to drag the file of the app to iTools window (main one). Next, select the app that’s needed to be transferred and in the end, select the Import button by clicking on it (it’s present at the right low of the dialog box’. An Install button will be present there click on it. Step 3: To make a transfer, see the top of iTools window.

Step 2: Click on Apps from the left menu on the next pain.

Step 1: Start iTools and connect the iDevice until iTools detects it. How to use iTools to transfer apps without iTunes Step 4: The other way to search for them is by heading over to: User/Music/iTunes/Mobile Applications. Step 3: First right-click on any of the app, then select Show in Finder. Step 2: Click on Apps visible under library placed on the left pane. Step 4: The other way to search is resorting to C:UsersUserMusiciTunesiTunesiTunes MediaMobile Applications. Step 3: Now go for a right-click on any app and select Show on Windows Explorer. Step 2: Click on Apps that are under Library on the left pane.